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Cultivating Nature: Harvest Ecosystem Services for Generations

"do the little things as if they were big, and one day you will find yourself doing big things as if they were small."
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Noticias sobre la industriá agrícola y tecnológica
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Who are we?

We are a network, based on one purpose: to articulate the transition from today's agriculture to a regenerative economy. Our cornerstone is the farmer and we facilitate access to t and creates additional value to the ecosystem services industry, by producing sustainably.
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Meet Our Team

Martín Lythgoe

Jorge Lopez Menendez

Fernando García Llorente

Ramiro Oviedo Bustos

Laura Lukasik

Rodrigo Ramirez

Nuestros socios


Climate change, food security and their consequences are two of the greatest challenges facing humanity and compromising the legacy of future generations.

From our point of view, producing food (food security) and at the same time providing ecosystem services (sequestering carbon from the atmosphere, restoring and increasing biodiversity and increasing the efficiency of water use) are not antagonistic objectives, but can also be generated from agriculture, livestock and forestry, improving the profitability of companies and the attractiveness of the business for young people.

To achieve this, we need to act now and generate the contexts that allow us to articulate: knowledge, processes, technological tools, financial resources, incentive models and organizational forms (network), which allow us to generate local, efficient, implementable and globally connected solutions.

Numen.Bio is born from this, as a company driven by the purpose of facilitating the transition of today's agriculture towards a regenerative economy.

What do we do?

We help farmers to be part of the solutions to climate change, generating an organized supply of ecosystem services.
We link networks of services and products so that farmers can access the resources they need in a systematic and sustained manner over time.

We coordinate with companies within and outside the sector to achieve their climate and social goals, taking into account the value of the countryside, not only as an efficient and sustainable supplier of food but also of ecosystem services.

We help build bridges to strengthen the development of local projects and networks that contribute to the growth of human capital and, as a consequence, the prosperity of communities.


Implementando modelos técnicos, con base científica y local, para poder medir, generar y comercializar servicios ecosistémicos (Carbono, Biodiversidad, Agua), así como también generando nuevos productos que aceleren y amplifiquen el aprendizaje.

Introducing dynamic experimental devices that allow from practice the validation of processes, technologies and business models that enable the scaling of solutions.

Designing and executing new learning and incentive models that accelerate and amplify the transition.

Incorporating technology to build a digital channel, not as an end, but as a means to provide transparency to the different stakeholders in a scalable and verifiable way, facilitating knowledge sharing, measurement and risk management in the field.

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Our beliefs

  • That Agriculture and Forestry are part of the solution to climate change not losing its commitment to feed the world. 
  • That people and links are the fundamental axis for transformation. 
  • That people need to raise awareness, train ourselves and change the way we organize because no single actor can solve the problem alone. 
  • That technology has to be the service of man and nature, its primary purpose is to connect and not to subordinate. 
  • That diversity is the only way to give stability to the systems.
  • That regenerative production is a mean, not an end. 
  • That global problems must be solved with local and interconnected solutions multiplied around the world. 
  • That win-win business models are possible, generating systemic trust and continuous learning.   
  • That we need to start here and now. 

Proyecto: Capacitaciones para agricultura sustentable

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